What is Lightning
What is Lightning?
Lightning is the phenomenon which accompanies the discharge of atmospheric charges from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth. As lightning seeks the path of least resistance, it naturally tends to follow the shortest course between cloud and earth, such as buildings or towering projections. As illustrated positive electrical charges gather in the clouds and negative charges gather in the ground. When the attraction between these two charges are strong enough, they come together in the form of lightning. Lightning rod equipment. Properly manufactured and installed, dissipates these charges.
The National Fire Protection Association states: “There are few fire causes against which so reliable a defense is available” -- As a lightning protection system, properly made and properly installed.
Lightning Causes Terrible Disaster
“Enjoy The Satisfaction of Life Safety” for Your Family by Protecting Your Home with a Modern Lightning Protection System.
Man, in modernizing his home, makes it a veritable powder keg of potential danger during a Lightning Storm. Pipes, wires, and all metal fixtures are perfect conductors for this violent force of nature; and the more they are used the greater risks we run with unprotected property.
The Modern Suburban and Small Town home has become an Ideal Lightning Target, and the Home Owner would do well to recognize Lightning for the Destructive Force that it is and protect against the major Life and Fire Hazard.
The Illustrations on the Pamphlet explains what Lightning is and shows the Method of Static Electricity Build-Up in a Home that induces a Lightning Discharge into the Home.
From these Illustrations, it can be recognized that Earth Static charges searching for the upward path during a Lightning Storm are attracted to the metal objects found in the Modern Home such as the Heating Equipment, Air Conditioning, Washers, Dryers, TV, Stoves etc. Each metal object tents to become a Static Field ready to release the Static Charges and, consequently, adds to the Build-Up which electrifies the Building and makes it become a deadly Lightning Target.
The Installation of a “Modern Lightning Protection System” cover the entire building serves the purpose of making paths over which the Earth charges can easily travel upwards to the roof of the building to be dissipated off the sharp Air Terminals, thereby eliminating a build-up of these charges which attract the Lightning Bolt.
- Lightning Kills over 600 American Property Owners each year and injuries thousands more
- Lightning Damage costs Americans many millions of dollars annually in addition to the loss of life.
- The cost is So Low You Can’t Afford to Gamble with our Family Saftey
- Write Today for FREE Additional Information, Prices, ect.